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Hi! 👋

I'm Alexander Wan, a third-year undergraduate at UC Berkeley, majoring in Computer Science. I'm broadly interested in Machine Learning and NLP, particularly in improving the robustness and interpretability of large language models. I work closely with folks at the Berkeley NLP Group and the MSU Heterogeneous Learning and Reasoning lab.

See my: LinkedIn / Github / Google Scholar / Twitter


Nov 2023

I gave a talk at USC ISI's Natural Language seminar on the manipulation of LLMs through data.

Apr 2023

Our paper on poisoning instruction-tuned models was accepted to ICML.


What Evidence Do Language Models Find Convincing?

Alexander Wan, Eric Wallace, Dan Klein

ACL 2024 (Main)


Poisoning Language Models During Instruction Tuning

Alexander Wan*, Eric Wallace*, Sheng Shen, Dan Klein

ICML 2023


GLUECons: A Generic Benchmark for Learning Under Constraints

Hossein Rajaby Faghihi, Aliakbar Nafar, Chen Zheng, Roshanak Mirzaee, Yue Zhang, Andrzej Uszok, Alexander Wan, Tanawan Premsri, Dan Roth, Parisa Kordjamshidi

AAAI 2023




Email: first 4 letters of first name + last name [at] berkeley [dot] edu